Tomorrow, my brother, actually my cousin, will do his SNMPTN (Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri). He studied at SMAN 4 Malang and will be doing his test in UM (Universitas Negeri Malang). He told me that he had seen the room and test number there, so tomorrow he just come and sit there :)
He choose an IPA (Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam) test, so he will do the test about Basic Mathematics, IPA Mathematics, Indonesian Language, English Language, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and TPA (Tes Potensi Akademik). So, the test will be held in two days. Spirit spirit spirit!!! :)
He targetted the Medical Faculty of UNS (Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret) - Solo and also Medical Faculty of UNEJ (Universitas Jember). Wow, i can't say that it's the easy struggle to pass the exam. Just remembering myself about 7 years ago (at 2005), when i was at 3rd grade of senior high school in my lovely town, Kediri (hehehe), and undecided what faculty i would choose, i saw the "passing grade list" from my LBB (Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar) - SSC (Sony Sugema College). So many students from all over Indonesia chose the Medical Faculty. Errrr... my spirit and my confidence was up and down seeing the fact!
But fortunately, i have so many people who supported me to go ahead with my dreams. My mom, my sister, my friends, and also my teachers in SSC. They were made me sure that i could do it. To be A DOCTOR! :)
I took the IPC (Ilmu Pengetahuan Campuran- IPA and IPS) in SPMB (Seleksi Penerimaaan Mahasiswa Baru) and targetted my three choices only in Unair (Universitas Airlangga)-Surabaya. Ouuuch, why did i only chose Unair, not the other university or higher education? Simply first, it was about school fee. As people know, the state universities (PTN/ Perguruan Tinggi Negeri) have lower tuition than the private universities (PTS/ Perguruan Tinggi Swasta). So, with no doubt, i only chose the first one in my mind :)
The second reason was i thought i have no enough ability to go to technical universities, such as ITS (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember) or ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung) or the others. I have a weakness about thinking technically, logically, numeric, etc. So, i knew enough my place wasn't in technical universities :) And why did i only chose in one city, Surabaya? Because it's not too far from my home, only 3 hours by bus or 4 hours by train or travel car. Beside the main reason that i have an older sister (my sibling) in Surabaya, who also live here and took the bachelor degree at Architecture ITS since 2004. So, i didn't need to worry about where will i live in Surabaya, hehehe...
But finally...
What could i say, i failed to go through the Medical Faculty!!! I had predicted 50% i would failed since i chose it, because i knew my position. I wasn't so bright in my school, only average :) But... i am very grateful to Allah, i got my second choice, FACULTY OF PSYCHOLOGY Unair. For your information, my third choice is Sastra Inggris (or English Literature? What's the name in English, guys?), also in Unair. I didn't know, since i went to elementary school, i liked to write something, like stories and poems, and also liked Indonesian and English lesson. And maybe because of it, i write this blog! Hehehe...
Actually i was really really want to repeat my SPMB test in the next year, 2006. But my spirit in 2006 extinguished slowly in line i enjoyed my classes in Psychology :) Not only about classes, but in the first year i had joined and organization named SKI (Sie Kerohanian Islam). I got so many new friends, not only my classmates, but also some elder generation in my campus; many experiences, many lessons. I buried my desire to repeat my SPMB :) "If i can't cure patients with medicines, at least i can help people by listening them, as psychologist. Owh it's also good", i thought.
One more thing i remembered about my SPMB. I wore a red blouse. A SACRED RED BLOUSE :) Why i called it sacred? Because my sister also wore it in her SPMB at 2004, and she got her dream campus, Architecture ITS. So, i just said "okay" when she assured me to wore that blouse. But wait, don't think that i believe something like myth or what we said as "animisme and dinamisme" (belief that there are another greater power than Allah). I just wore it, did my test, and voila! I got my dream. Okay, second dream :) Thank's to Allah.
Well, enough talking about my memories in 2005.
Anyone in this world who will take the SNMPTN test tomorrow, i wanna said:
CEUMUNGUUUDDHH EAAAA... EAAA... EAAA...!!! (translate: spirit!)
I do believe you all have study so well in these few months (or even few years?). So... go to bed NOW! The night is getting late. Forget about the Euro 2012 match or the players that you admire. They're only on your television screen, but your really really "match" is tomorrow, exactly in-front-of your-eyes :p
I pray for you all, guys! Do the best, and let God do the rest (classic sentence but true).
Anyone wanna pray for my cousin and the others's success? Thank you! :)
Tomorrow, my brother, actually my cousin, will do his SNMPTN (Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri). He studied at SMAN 4 Malang and will be doing his test in UM (Universitas Negeri Malang). He told me that he had seen the room and test number there, so tomorrow he just come and sit there :)
He choose an IPA (Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam) test, so he will do the test about Basic Mathematics, IPA Mathematics, Indonesian Language, English Language, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and TPA (Tes Potensi Akademik). So, the test will be held in two days. Spirit spirit spirit!!! :)
He targetted the Medical Faculty of UNS (Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret) - Solo and also Medical Faculty of UNEJ (Universitas Jember). Wow, i can't say that it's the easy struggle to pass the exam. Just remembering myself about 7 years ago (at 2005), when i was at 3rd grade of senior high school in my lovely town, Kediri (hehehe), and undecided what faculty i would choose, i saw the "passing grade list" from my LBB (Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar) - SSC (Sony Sugema College). So many students from all over Indonesia chose the Medical Faculty. Errrr... my spirit and my confidence was up and down seeing the fact!
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Where i got so many spirits :) |
I took the IPC (Ilmu Pengetahuan Campuran- IPA and IPS) in SPMB (Seleksi Penerimaaan Mahasiswa Baru) and targetted my three choices only in Unair (Universitas Airlangga)-Surabaya. Ouuuch, why did i only chose Unair, not the other university or higher education? Simply first, it was about school fee. As people know, the state universities (PTN/ Perguruan Tinggi Negeri) have lower tuition than the private universities (PTS/ Perguruan Tinggi Swasta). So, with no doubt, i only chose the first one in my mind :)
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I failed wearing this white doctor coat! |
But finally...
What could i say, i failed to go through the Medical Faculty!!! I had predicted 50% i would failed since i chose it, because i knew my position. I wasn't so bright in my school, only average :) But... i am very grateful to Allah, i got my second choice, FACULTY OF PSYCHOLOGY Unair. For your information, my third choice is Sastra Inggris (or English Literature? What's the name in English, guys?), also in Unair. I didn't know, since i went to elementary school, i liked to write something, like stories and poems, and also liked Indonesian and English lesson. And maybe because of it, i write this blog! Hehehe...
Actually i was really really want to repeat my SPMB test in the next year, 2006. But my spirit in 2006 extinguished slowly in line i enjoyed my classes in Psychology :) Not only about classes, but in the first year i had joined and organization named SKI (Sie Kerohanian Islam). I got so many new friends, not only my classmates, but also some elder generation in my campus; many experiences, many lessons. I buried my desire to repeat my SPMB :) "If i can't cure patients with medicines, at least i can help people by listening them, as psychologist. Owh it's also good", i thought.
One more thing i remembered about my SPMB. I wore a red blouse. A SACRED RED BLOUSE :) Why i called it sacred? Because my sister also wore it in her SPMB at 2004, and she got her dream campus, Architecture ITS. So, i just said "okay" when she assured me to wore that blouse. But wait, don't think that i believe something like myth or what we said as "animisme and dinamisme" (belief that there are another greater power than Allah). I just wore it, did my test, and voila! I got my dream. Okay, second dream :) Thank's to Allah.
Well, enough talking about my memories in 2005.
Anyone in this world who will take the SNMPTN test tomorrow, i wanna said:
CEUMUNGUUUDDHH EAAAA... EAAA... EAAA...!!! (translate: spirit!)
I do believe you all have study so well in these few months (or even few years?). So... go to bed NOW! The night is getting late. Forget about the Euro 2012 match or the players that you admire. They're only on your television screen, but your really really "match" is tomorrow, exactly in-front-of your-eyes :p
I pray for you all, guys! Do the best, and let God do the rest (classic sentence but true).
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Let your spirit become an eternal flame ^_^ |
cumungud ea kakak :D
ReplyDeletemakasih, salam kenal ya Rachmat :)
Deletesukses juga buat kuliah & bisnisnya :)
ternyata nasib kita sama.... dulu mau jadi dokter ga jadi... mau jadi phycolog juga tidak jadi... akhirnya jadi apa saja deh...
ReplyDeletetapi intinya jalani saja ya... semoga saudaranya sukses ya...
hihi kadang memang Tuhan menunjukkan jalan terbaikNYA bagi kita di ujung usaha2 keras kita ya :)
Deletebetul, nikmati & syukuri yang ada sekarang aja.
amiinn... makasih doanya mas :)
rada beda sama aku,menempuh S2 psikologi,tp pas lulus pengen ngelamar jd dokter bedah
pasti kamu pengen mbedah hatinya cewek2, biar klepek2 *apaansih* :p
DeleteSaya ujian SPMB di Malang, di UM Malang. Waktu itu abis beli kaset album Deep Cuts nya Mr. Big, jadi sampai sekarang kalau dengerin lagu-lagunya album itu selalu ingat momen SPMB. Semoga sukses ya sepupunya :)
ReplyDeleteamin...makasih mas Galih :)
Deleteejieeeee Teknik Informatika ITS rek! :p
iya, emang kejadian yg mengikuti sebuah momen spesial akan cenderung selalu diingat :D
Huwaa 2005 ya? Seumuran donk kita, aku sih harusnya sih 2005, tapi karena gak ikutan SPMB jadinya baru 2007 kuliahnya :D
ReplyDeletehuwaaa iya taaa? tapi saya awet muda lho... saya nggak punya jenggot kayak situ *yakali eke kan cewek* :D
Deletemasih mending bisa ikutan tes... eke ndak punya memori test masuk universitas, beli formulir aja (dulu) ga ada duitnya xixixi *eh koq jadi ikut2an pake eke* whuahahaha...
ReplyDeletejustru memori gak pernah ikut SPMB juga tak terlupakan mbak.
Deletegpp, dulu gak punya duit, sekarang kebanyakan duit, keseringan naik pesawat, hehe.
alhamdulillah ya... sesuatu! :)
cedmugudh yaa kaka !! xixixixi :D aku malah seneng klo aku dapet penghasilan sendiri dan ga nyusahin orang lain yaitu dengan kerja apapun yang penting halal !! :D sebenernya cita-cita sih ingin jadi POLWAn tapiiiii hikhikhikhikhik T_T ga kesampean !!! huaaaaaaaaa
ReplyDeletemakasih kakak :)
Deleteiya, pilihan untuk kuliah/ langsung kerja memang tergantung tujuan hidup kita *tsaaah* Gpp gak kesampean jadi polwan, kan bisa jadi polisi hati buat pasangannya ntar, wkwkwk